10 Incredible Books About Africa That You Should Read

Last Updated: April 2023
Africa is everything. It’s beautiful, cruel, nurturing, heartbreaking, and often a contradiction of everything you’ve ever seen in the mainstream media.
Whilst it’s good to read practial information about Africa (and I have lots of that on this site), reading true stories, biographies, and fiction books about Africa is a great way to get an insight into this fascinating, misunderstood, and often misrepresented continent.
So here are some of my favourite books about Africa – some will make you weep, some will fill you with joy and compassion and others will just make you question humanity.
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Incredible Books About Africa That You Should Read

An African Love Story: Love, Life and Elephants by Daphne Sheldrick
“Life is for the living, not the dead, who belong to the past and are at peace and beyond all further pain and suffering ‘somewhere in the great somewhere.“
I’ve read this twice and it very quickly became one on my favourite books about Africa, in fact, it’s one of my favourite books of all time. It’s the extraordinary story of the life of Dame Daphne Sheldrick and her husband David, a warden of Tsavo National Park. Together they were a formidable pair, soul mates, protecting Kenya’s wildlife. The way she describes Africa is simply breathtaking but be warned, this book had me in tears. Very embarrassing during a very crowded (and bumpy) bus journey between Dar es Salaam and Arusha. Buy An African Love Story: Love, Life and Elephants here.
A Long Way Gone: The True Story of a Child Soldier by Ishmael Beah
“Some nights the sky wept stars that quickly floated and disappeared into the darkness before our wishes could meet them.”
Ishmael Beah was a normal boy, from a normal village before he was forced to be a child soldier during the civil war in Sierra Leone. The book is written from the perspective of his 12-year-old self which makes it even more poignant. It follows his journey from the time his childhood was ripped away from him, to his subsequent rehabilitation back into society. Some of the things he did in order to survive are unthinkable for most people, let alone a child. Another painful read, but if you want to get a true insight into some of the issues that are affecting modern-day Africa, I suggest you read this powerful story. Buy A Long Way Gone: The True Story of a Child Soldier here.
The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer
“I went to sleep dreaming of Malawi, and all the things made possible when your dreams are powered by your heart.“
Willam Kamkwamba was born in a village in Malawi. He had the idea to construct a windmill which later brought electricity and water to his village, transforming the lives of those around him. The book explains the culture and politics of Malawi at the time, and takes us on William’s personal journey of adversity, through famine, poverty, and corruption. This is one of the most inspirational, humbling books about Africa, a real against all odds book that everyone should read once in a while to remind ourselves that it is possible. Buy The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind here.
Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
“You can’t write a script in your mind and then force yourself to follow it. You have to let yourself be.”
Set in 1960’s, this is a novel about intertwining lives during the Nigerian Civil War. This is one of the best books about Africa I’ve ever read and it’s very powerful, and beautifully written but harrowing in places. Buy Half of a Yellow Sun here.
We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families by Philip Gourevitch
“What distinguishes genocide from murder, and even from acts of political murder that claim as many victims, is the intent. The crime is wanting to make a people extinct. The idea is the crime.”
I was deeply affected by my experience visiting the Rwanda Genocide Memorial in Kigali, so a book about the slaughter of almost a million people is never going to be easy reading, but it is incredibly important that we understand what happened. The book looks at the why people did what they did and failings of the international community in the run up to and during the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. Buy We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families here.
Out of Africa by Karen Blixen (aka Isak Dineson)
“You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.”
Probably one of the most famous books about Africa, this is Karen Blixen’s account of when she ran a coffee plantation in Ngong Hills. Out of Africa gives a wonderful insight into what life was like in colonial times. Whilst things are somewhat different now, the affects of colonial rule still very much impact and influence modern Africa, especially Kenya, and the way in which foreigners such as myself are perceived. Buy Out of Africa here.
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
I remember when I first heard that Nelson Mandela had passed away. I was in my kitchen scrolling through my phone when the news popped up. I rushed in to tell my husband and my voice just broke and I began to cry. Nelson Mandela was a freedom fighter, South Africa’s first black president, and is arguably the greatest leader of modern times. I couldn’t put The Long Walk to Freedom down, riveted by the story of this extraordinary man and those who fought with him against apartheid. This book teaches us many lessons about the strength of the human spirit and standing up for equality. Inspirational and humbling. Buy Long Walk to Freedom here.
The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence Anthony
“They taught me that all life forms are important to each other in our common quest for happiness and survival. That there is more to life than just yourself, your own family, or your own kind.”
This is the true story of South African conservationist Lawrence Anthony. Like An African Love Story: Love, Life and Elephants, it’s a book that will give you amazing insight into elephant behaviour, it will make you laugh at times, but also bring a little tear to your eye. His love of his elephants and wildlife, as well as his conservation work, is truly inspirational and I can’t wait to read his other book, The Last Rhinos. Buy The Elephant Whisperer here.
Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles by Richard Dowden
“I hope Africans will recognize their continent and themselves in these pages, but I write chiefly for outsiders, those who have not been to Africa but would like to know more about it. The best way to find out is to go, not as a tourist in a bubble of Western luxury and safety, but as a traveller to meet people and engage with them. It is easily done. But beware. Africa can be addictive. Les fous d’Afrique, the French call them, those who become mad about Africa.”
This is probably my favourite of all the more general African history books. Richard Dowden has worked in Africa for the last 40 years as a teacher, journalist and documentary film maker. He expertly intertwines his own journey with the turbulent history of the continent. His views are reflective of my own, from when I arrived on the continent, slightly naive, to the way I see things now. The book is an incredible and insightful read and displays much compassion for Africa and Africans. A must read for anyone interested in Africa and her history. Buy Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles here.
The State of Africa: A History of the Continent Since Independence by Martin Meredith
“What has always impressed me over the years is the resilience and humour with which ordinary Africans confront their many adversities. This book is intended as testimony to their fortitude.”
I read this book my on my first African overland in 2009 and it has really helped me to understand why somethings are as they are. This book explains the history of many of the African nations from the time they began to gain independence from Europe in the mid 20th century, and the lead up to it. The book is both optimistic and realistic, taking the reader on a journey through the continent, and the people and circumstances that have shaped it. The subject matter is huge, dictators, war, famine and corruption, however Martin Meredith manages to cover it very well in relatively few pages, without being patronizing or preachy. Buy The State of Africa: A History of the Continent Since Independence here.
Any other great books about Africa that you’d recommend? Leave them in the comments below!
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Have you read the Poisonwood Bible? I’m not sure if you would consider that mainstream but it is an excellent read.
No I haven’t read it Colleen! Will look it up! By mainstream media, I just mean news channels and the newspapers. They don’t always show the full story, and they definitely don’t show enough of the good side of Africa – mind you, what major news channel does show good stuff?
This quote from Africa: Altered States, Ordinary Miracles kind of sums up what I mean “The ordinary gets ignored in Africa as it does in Asia or South America. Normality is nice but it does not – as they say – sell newspapers.”
I guess that’s why I write, to show a different side to Africa too. 🙂
Thanks for the book recommendation!
I just bought it today, according to you , how is it? what should I expect? lol
Which one did you buy?
Either way, what to expect is what I’ve written above. But probably best to read the books and find out! 🙂
I read The State of Africa just before I moved to Ghana about a month ago. I agree, it is an excellent book to really understand why certain things are the way they are, why a lot of countries are so troubled, and why it is so difficult to have peace in certain countries.
I can also highly recommend the book Shake hands with the devil – The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda. It was written by Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire, the Force Commander of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda in 1993-1994, during which he witnessed the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. It explains why the genocide happened, how the hands of the UN were tied, and why Western countries didn’t intervene. It is a fascinating and sobering read.
How are you getting on in Ghana? I would love to visit Ghana someday! Hope you are enjoying it!
Shake Hands with the Devil – I’ve head of that! Definitely a book I need to read! I visited the Genocide Museum in Kigali and it left me devastated.
Great suggestions! I’ve been meaning to read Half of a Yellow Sun. When I was in Martinique I did read a few books by authors from there and it really brings their words alive! Now that I’m in Morocco I’m reading The Sand Child by Tahar Ben Jalloun — it’s pretty intense postcolonial lit!
Thanks Alyssa!
Couldn’t agree more! Great to read books about the places you are visiting!
Hope you are having a great time in Morocco. How long are you there for? I’m going in May!!!! Will read the book you suggest! xx
I love all the books by Kapuściński, he was one of the best Polish non-fiction writers ever!! you should check other works by him too, not only those about Africa!
I haven’t read The Shadow of the Sun yet! I have it, and need to read it! I am sure I will be adding it to the list as soon as I have. Will definitely check out his other works! If you like them, I’m sure I will too! 🙂 x
I’m currently reading Dark Star Safari by Paul Theroux, pictured on your photo but not in the list. I’ve also been wanting to read The State of Africa for a long time but somehow I never get around to it. I haven’t read any of the books on your list, so thanks for suggesting some great reads, I never know what to start reading!
No worries Sarah!
I have Dark Star safari, but not gotten past the first chapter yet, so I couldn’t include it! What do you think of it so far?
The State of Africa is a really good one! Altered States, Ordinary Miracles is also amazing!
I’m really glad you’ve compiled this list 🙂 I’ve been wanting to understand Africa and the history of different regions better, especially because we don’t get taught anything about it in our parts of the world. I’m a bit scared to read about the Rwanda Genocide because I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle it. But I feel like if I want to be a good global citizen, then I really need to educate myself on these topics and be aware of them. Thank you for this! Xx
Thanks Ella! Get reading! There are loads of great books out there I’m sure, but these are just the few I’ve read! There needs to be more hours in the day!
Any books about genocide are difficult, so just read when you feel ready. xx
Great Helen. you suggested good books. The (Real) Lion King in the Serengeti post was very interesting and exciting. bravooooo.
Thanks Hassan!
Glad you liked the Lion King post! 🙂 It was a great few days!!
I can only recommend this one, very charming story based on true experience of writer..
“Karibu means welcome”
Unfortunately can not find english version
Thanks Iveta! I’ll keep an eye out for an English translation! 🙂
Paul Theroux’s recent book The Last Train to Zona Verde was magical. You should look into it. It’s not about pretty pictures and elephants. It’s the deeper, richer, darker Africa we’ve all come to know and love.
I loved The Shadow of the Sun by KapuÅ›ciÅ„ski. It was the first travel book I ever read, and one of the reasons I wanted to become a travel writer! It’s a great book ?
Thanks Em! I actually have that book, I just haven’t read it yet! 🙂 Wow, that is a big statement! I will start reading tonight!
Hope your travels are going well my love! xx
If you are still looking for interesting Africa books then for non-fiction I recommend Infidel by Ayaan Hisri Ali, Desert Flower and Desert Dawn by Waris Dire.
In fiction I recommend The Conservationist by Nadine Gordimer, Season of Migration to the North by Tayeb Salih and So Long a Letter by Mariama Ba.
Thank you Zoe!!! 🙂
Eating the Flowers of Paradise – Kevin Rushby
Shadow of the Sun – Ryszard Kapuscinski
White Pumpkin – Denis Hills
Facing the Congo – Jeffrey Taylor
Mountain People – Colin Turnbull
Dark star safari – Paul Theroux
King Leopold’s Ghost – Adam Hochschild
Red Nile – Robert Twigger
Caliph’s House – Tahir Shah
The Pale Abyssinian – Miles Bredin
Thanks for all the suggestions! 🙂
I love the Green City in the Sun from Barbara Wood. It takes place in Kenya in the 20th century
Can you do a list of books about Africa written by African authors?
6 of the 10 authors on the list are African-born. 🙂