Cost of a Yellow Fever Vaccine & Do I Need One to Travel to Africa?

Last updated on January 9th, 2025 at 04:05 pm
If you’re travelling to Africa, you may be required to get vaccinated against Yellow Fever, which is a disease that is spread by infected mosquitoes. Like malaria, Yellow Fever is present in some areas of Africa but not all. And in those areas, some mosquitoes will carry the disease and some won’t.
For the countries that do pose a risk of Yellow Fever transmission, the risk can vary from a pretty high risk – just named as ‘risk’ (for some it’s the whole country and others just parts of the country) to a low risk, and each country has their own rules as to whether you need to have had the Yellow Fever vaccination.
For some of the risk countries it’s just advised to have the vaccination and other times it’s an entry requirement.
PLEASE NOTE: I am not qualified to offer medical advice, I just want to point you in the right direction so that you can find out whether you need a Yellow Fever certificate, based on the entry requirements of specific African countries.
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Yellow Fever Requirements in Africa
So, do you need a Yellow Fever certificate to travel in Africa? Well, it really depends where you go in Africa. Each country has their own regulations
How to check if you need a Yellow Fever certificate for Africa?
My favourite resources for checking whether I need a Yellow Fever certificate for a specific country are listed below:
This is an amazing resource, that allows you to check each country individually. They have a Yellow Fever Map (taken from the CDC website) and you can check each country individually for their requirements.
Click on the country and go to ‘Vaccinations’ and you can check what vaccinations you need and whether a Yellow Fever vaccination is unnecessary, recommended or required for entry.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Here you can see an up to date map of all the countries that have a Yellow Fever risk. The ones classed with a ‘risk of yellow fever virus’ are the main ones you need to look at. The ones that are ‘low potential for exposure’ are less
Please be aware that the regulations do change from time to time, so even if you’ve been to a country before, it’s always good to recheck!
When Do You Need a Yellow Fever Certificate?
Here’s a quick breakdown:
- Direct Flights from No-Risk Countries: If you’re flying from a no-risk country like the UK or USA directly to a low or no-risk country (e.g. South Africa or Tanzania), you usually don’t need a certificate.
- Flights with Stopovers for more than 12 Hours in Risk Countries: If you are flying from a no-risk country (e.g. UK) to a low-risk country (e.g. Tanzania) with a stopover of more than 12 hours in a risk country (e.g. Kenya) then you will likely need a certificate.
- Travelling Between African Countries:
- Low-to-Low/No-Risk: No certificate is typically required (e.g., Zambia to Botswana).
- Risk-to-Any: Most countries will require a certificate (e.g., Kenya to Tanzania). Even layovers over 12 hours in a Yellow Fever zone may require one.
- High-Risk Entry: Some countries (e.g., Ghana, DRC) mandate a certificate for entry, regardless of where you’re traveling from.
Children under 9 months and those with medical exemptions may be able to travel with an official exemption letter from a doctor.
Border rules can be inconsistent. Sometimes, health officials may bend the rules. I’ve met travellers who were made to get a vaccine on arrival, even when technically exempt. So I always carry my Yellow Fever certificate with me, just in case.
What to Do if You Can’t Get Vaccinated?
If you’re unable to get the vaccine for medical reasons (e.g., over 60 or certain medical conditions), you should:
- Obtain a medical exemption letter from your doctor.
- Be prepared to explain your exemption when crossing borders.
Should I get the Yellow Fever vaccination?
If it’s required by the country that you are visiting then you probably have to, unless you don’t want them to let you in.
If you don’t have a certificate, but arrive in a country that requires it, you may be made to get a shot on arrival at a cost of $50. But, it won’t be effective for 10 days.
Also be aware that some countries, especially in West Africa, need you to provide proof of vaccination or exemption certificate when you apply for your visa, so plan ahead!
I’ve known people to bribe their way in, but that only reinforces the bribing culture and I strongly disagree with that.
If you don’t need it for entry but there is a risk of contracting the disease, then that is a personal choice that should be discussed with your doctor. The risk is usually greater in some areas than others and if you are spending an extended period of time in an endemic country.
Please note that there are some people who are advised not to get a Yellow Fever vaccine for various medical reasons. For more information on the Yellow Fever vaccine please click here.
Currently there is no cure for Yellow Fever and it can be fatal.
What is the cost of a Yellow Fever vaccine?
The cost of a Yellow Fever vaccine varies. In the UK, you can expect to pay the following…
- Traveldoc (£57 – this has gone down in price and they pride themselves on being the cheapest in the UK)
- Superdrug (£69)
- Boots (£74)
- Nomad (£75)
You can find a full list of UK Yellow Fever vaccination centres here. There are also lots of local ones that can be cheaper than the big names. My local travel clinic (Blackburn Travel Clinic) charges £65.
In the US, Yellow Fever vaccinations can be quite expensive and it isn’t usually covered by regular health insurance policies.
Prices usually start at around $210, but I have known people to pay around $500 including a consulation with the clinic and the vaccine itself, so make sure you look around for the best prices. You can search for US-based vaccination centrers here.
It is possible to get Yellow Fever vaccines at some airports, overland borders and hospitals in Africa at around a cost of $50 and some people are choosing to do this as it’s much cheaper than the US. But, just be aware this is best done in a country with a low or no risk, as the vaccine will not be effective for 10 days.
But be careful if the country you are travelling to requires a Yellow Fever certificate on entry as you may not be allowed in without it. Not all borders have this facility, especially at overland borders. And even if they do, you may not want to get one there.
Things to Consider
- The Yellow Fever vaccine becomes effective 10 days after immunisation, so if you are having it before you go, allow at least this amount of time.
- You may need the certificate or proof of exemption to apply for some advance African visas, so plan ahead.
- The Yellow Fever vaccine cannot be given within 28 days of receiving MMR or Varicella vaccines.
- The Yellow Fever vaccination is now valid for life according to the World Health Organisation, so you only need it once.
- When I first got my certificate it only had a life of 10 years, however once the WHO changed their stance, I was able to get a replacement certificate with lifetime cover from the clinic where I had my vaccination. Replacement certificates usually cost around £15 – £20.
- There is a shortage of Yellow Fever vaccines, especially in the US, so make sure you plan ahead.
- If you plan to get your vaccine whilst in Africa, just check that you will be allowed in the country where you plan to get the vaccine without a certificate.
- Know the regulations so you are not made to get a shot unnecessarily (and politely stand your ground) but be aware that they can change so check just before you go.
- If you are backpacking through a number of countries in Africa then it’s likely that you will need a certificate (depending on where you go) so it is usually advised to get vaccinated, but again, please discuss with your doctor.
Other Africa posts you might enjoy…
- The Ultimate Africa Travel Guide
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- 10 Incredible Books to Read Before You to Visit Africa
If you would like to join one of my Africa group trips click here for details.
I hope this helps point you in the right direction to find the information you need on whether you need the Yellow Fever vaccination! Anything else to add? Please let me in the comments!
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Africa is so rich in diverse culture. I will definitely plan my next travel trip to Africa.
Yes, the yellow fever vaccine situation is confusing. In November of 2017, I traveled from Johannesburg to Livingstone via Nairobi on Kenya Airways. (I know that sounds like crazy routing, but it’s so that I could continue to Cape Town later on the continuation of the Nairobi to Livingstone flight. It cut the fare for the trip in half.) Kenya Airways required that everyone present yellow fever certificates when checking in at Johannesburg, regardless of whether passengers were going to Kenya (risk) or connecting to places with little or no risk (such as Livingstone). I suspect (but have to specific evidence for this) that Kenya Airways is acting out of prudence: even if someone is connecting through to a no-risk area, that person may miss a connection and be stuck in Kenya for more than the excepted 12 hours. Also, I was asked for my yellow fever certificate in Cape Town, apparently because my flight originated in Nairobi (even though I was arriving from Livingstone). So, if Kenya Airways is any indication, it is possible to need a yellow fever certificate even if passing through a yellow fever risk country.
Wow! Yeah that’s crazy! I always tell people to get it (with the disclaimer that I am not a doctor and seek medical advice) – it’s just easier!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Thanks for the information. I am visiting Tanzania in June for about a month and I was worried about needing the vaccine. I have a layover in Ethiopia on the way, so I will probably get the vaccine while I’m home in the states before we go. I kind of want to visit Nairobi for the weekend too, possibly, so I might as well.
Good day helen! Hope all is well, im travellimg from NYC (JFK) to Narobi for 3.5 hours layover and fonal stop is capetown…. im worried maybe in South africa they wont let me in because i have a layover in Narobi even for 3.5 hours only???????? i call the SA embassy here in NYC they said yes I need a yelow fever even im just 3.5 hour layover in Narobi…. but i see some online its ok you dont have as long you dont stay more than 12hours in the airport…. im so confuse, do they have a yellow vaccine shot in cape town airport for $50?…… any advise? Hope to here from you.. thanks
Hi Pol,
You shouldn’t need a YF certificate for that short a layover. To be honest, I don’t think they’ll have an issue when you get there, but I can’t say for sure. If they do, I’m sure they will have the vaccine there.
It’s a good idea to confirm with your airline. I flew from Johannesburg to Livingstone and changed planes in Nairobi last year. I had to have a yellow fever certificate to board the plane in Jo’burg. Kenya Airways was quite clear about that. (Fortunately I had my certificate with me.) You don’t want to get to the airport and find out that you will not be allowed to board the plane.
On the other hand, when I flew from Livingstone to Cape Town on a Kenya Airways flight that originated in Nairobi, South African immigration did not care at all about a yellow fever certificate. SA seems to be more laid back.
Can I ask? You may have answered it already , but I need a direct answer at least from your experience and advice. Here are two scenarios
1. I am travelling to Uganda. I would like to take my son with me. I am vaccinated and he is not. He is ten years old. The trip involves one stop off in Egypt for 16h before going to Uganda and returning, I have a 22h layover in Egypt again.
Would he require a vaccine card since Egypt is low risk? And would Egypt require vaccination cards on the way back given that we have come from Uganda?
2. If I change my ticket and get a direct flight from a European country to uganda, would my son be required to present a vaccination card? And would that card be required on the way back? The thing is, official government sites are vague about this. I understand African culture that although a certificate may not be required, if they ask and you refuse, it may not turn out good for you in that, you will be either denied entry or pushes to take the vaccine.
What do you think ?
Please help
On the NHS Fit for Travel website, it says that a YF certificate is required for all travellers to Uganda aged 1 and over regardless of where you have come from. So I think you HAVE to have it.
Superdrug also confirms this:
So I would suggest getting it.